There are 3 options to read the Club posts:
1. Email notifications
2. Facebook wall
3. Directly on the Club Facebook page - the best option!

Here is why reading the posts directly on the Club page is the best option:

Email notifications
The challenges with reading the posts through email notifications are:
you miss the pictures and other people's comments,
and you can't engage and ask questions.
You are being passive instead of active in recovery.

Facebook wall
The challenges with reading the posts on your wall are:
It's hard to keep track of the posts,
you can miss important posts because they are hidden between all the other posts,
and there is something else:
When you review the posts on your wall, you easily get distracted with other stuff on Facebook, and Facebook becomes a big time-waster.

Directly on the Club Facebook page is the best option
You go directly to the Kay Sheppard Club Facebook Page and only read the Club posts.
Your Facebook interaction is focused on recovery, you are easily engaged, contribute, ask questions and stay up-to-speed with the daily inspiration.

We recommend only reading the posts directly through the Club Facebook Page.
Once you understand how to get directly to the Club Facebook Page (see instructions on this help page), you can easily search for older posts.
For example, if you look for a recipe from last week, once you are in the group it is easy to search and find it.